The European theater that began in ancient Greece consisted of three types of drama except one. A. Comedy B. Satyr C. Horror C. Star Light D. Tragedy D. Spotlight It was called "limelight" that was used in the U.S. during the Neoclassical period. A. Light B. Fog light It is large circular or rectangular area at the center part of the theatre, where the play, dance, religious rites, and cting took place. A. Theater B. Platform C. Orchestra D. Stage Play The use of theatrical technologies in the Baroque period which can be seen in the film "Vatel" in the production of Orpheus" by _ A. William Shakespear B. Victor Hugo C. Claudio Monteverdi D. Francisco Balagtas B. Queen Victoria C. Queen Elizabeth I D. Queen Axi She is the most prominent supporter during the Renaissance theater. A. Princess Magdalene The performers during the Medieval era have their journey from one town to another as singers, story tellers, ancers, puppeteers and Artist A. Historian B. Jugglers C. Minstrels The protagonist usually plays morality that attributes a Godly life over the evil. A. Middle Age B. Neoclassical Era C. Medieval Era A theater building was called B. Place of seeing C. Performers B. Abacus C. Computer Machine D. Comedian D. Romantic Era D. Theatron ACT. A. Court Room An invention that gives an idea to change the scene and backdrops during Neoclassical period. #4 D. Giant Wrench A. Pulley .The theater was characterized by its grandiosity. Costumes and sceneries were highly elaborate. A. Romantic Theater B. Neoclassical Theater .The women were allowed to perform on stage during the Roman period. C. Baroque Theater D. Greek Theater A. Satyr D. Tragedy 2.Due to human desire and need of entertainment, a theater began which is called A. Place of seeing B. Comedy B. Place of gathering C. Drama C. Building C. Skene ARTS D. Arena D. Triumvir Pompey 3.A non-wooden theaters in Rome whose structure was somewhat similar to the Theatron of Athens. A. Parodos B. Proscenium 4.An innovation of Renaissance theater where the area surrounding the stage opening. The arches frame vide the stage from the audience. A. Backdrops B. Commedia dell'arte C. Commedia dell' D. Skene 5. Which of the following are important element in theater. A. Acting B. Audience C. Director D. Stage