
A. Chang: Telehealth is a method of providi to connect patients and clinicians from any location. It provides acu of care including care consultations, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and even emergency services. It allows primary care d and specialists to further their reach for treating patients wherever there is an internet connection. The be telehealth for healthcare providers and patients is that these services can be faster, safer, more effective expensive in the long run, especially during a time like the COVID-19 pandemic, where telehealth has access to medical care without going to hospitals to protect patients and hospital staff from being exposed infection. Reporter: What are some of the main drivers behind the acceleration and momentum of telehealth services? Chang: There are two major drivers for this fast-growing market. The first and most recent driver for telehealth has be global COVID-19 pandemic. Strong social distancing and minimal physical contact precautions have ph shift to telehealth and remote consultations as it aids in infection protection . These precautions and hospital bed shortages have forced medical facilities to incorporate more telehealth technologies to kee demand and maintain care continuity for patients at home. The second driver is the shortage of professionals when demand is increasing every year due to an aging population and more and more paiem chronic and non-communicable diseases. For people living in rural areas, their medical demands are under due to insufficient resources and long distances to drive into cities for care. Telehealth is one of the promising Reporter: In terms of this acceleration and momentum of telehealth services, we are currently seeing, what are some t to tackle the challenge of doctor shortages and expand specialists and doctors' reach to patients. Chang: can expect to see in the future? Telehealth will not replace face to face care services, but we will incorporate it into healthcare infrastructure. Patients will be selecting providers based on their accessibility to telehealth services. With access to doctors, increasing patients using preventative care services and follow-up care due to convenien start to emerge. These can lead to fewer readmissions and patient complications. We will also see more early screening of patient triage in the field before they arrive at hospitals. Write the meanings of the words from the interview which have the similar meanings to the following . meaningful