It is important to be able to compute correctly, but computation prowess is no substitute for a deeper understanding of what you are doing and why. This is especially true in the field of statistical science. At the undergraduate level, computations are pretty easy. At all levels, however, the underlying concepts are challenging. The following activity will demonstrate and elucidate this divide. Suppose that twenty identical experiments are taking place simultaneously around the world. The researchers are all studying the same drug, which they hope will improve the survival rate of the black-winged peckerwood finch after it has been infected with a particular type of tree mold. The survival rate left untreated is unfortunately only 32
1) To improve the survival rate of the black-winged peckerwood finch
2) To study the effects of the drug on the black-winged peckerwood finch
3) To compare the survival rates of different species of birds
4) To determine the cause of the tree mold infection