The concept of professional accountability pertaining to nursing is crucial. We are all humans and mistakes may happen. One of the most crucial components of accountability is having the ability to own up to your mistakes if and when they do happen. An accountable nurse understands the impact their actions have on their patients and works to make the choices in the best interests of their patients to achieve positive health outcomes (Luggar-Schmit, 2024). If I were in Nurse Jim's position, I would own up to the mistake that the wrong medication was pulled along with apologizing for putting nurse Lope in the position to make an administration mistake on the medication that I pulled. If I were in Nurse Lope's position, I believe it is okay to agree in helping your co-worker out and pass medication for them that is 30 minutes late however, Nurse Lope should have pulled the medication herself to ensure it was correct. After looking in the electronic health record and recognizing the medications were three hours late, I would not have administered the medication as this can cause the following medications to now be given too close together. I also would not have administered a medication that is not scanning as there must not be an order for it. As nurses we must always further investigate and protect our license. Leaders must be vigilant about unprofessional behaviors and practices and take steps to stop them before they become normalized on a unit (Sherman and Cohn, 2019). If