Drew Chemicals is a distributor of cleaning chemicals, providing a wide variety in both full strength and diluted forms. The company receives all of their chemicals in concentrate, then repackages the product into various dilutions. The company employs 16 people: the general manager who stays on site and occasionally travels through the mixing area; 1 receptionist who works in the front office area and occasionally delivers messages to workers in the chemical mixing area; 1 person who ships receives product, 4 sales people who spend their days on the road and do not enter the chemical area; the remaining people work in the mixing area.There are several machines that dilute the chemical, each served by a venting system that removes vapours from the workspace. The venting system requires a simple daily inspectiontest to ensure it is working. There are also air monitors to measure chemical concentrations in the air.
Which of the following workplace parties is best equipped to conduct a daily preuse inspection of the ventilation equipment:
A. The workers in the mixing area
B. The receptionist
C. The General Manager
D. The shipper
E. receiver
F. The sales force