Student nurse interaction with doctor about patient itchy skin condition 1st Interaction
1. What happened?
2. How did it make you feel?
3. Was the expected outcome achieved?
4. What was good and bad about the situation?
5. What did you learn from the situation?
6. What else could have done?
7. If situation arose again, what would you do differently?
8. Consider the interaction and identify one health issue your patient was facing?
9. Identify one (1) primary health care agency that you could refer the patient to assist in improving their health status and discuss why you chose this service
10. Identify one (1) tertiary health care agency that you could refer the patient, to assist in improving their health status and discuss why you chose this service
11. Incorporated principles of wellness into their nursing practice to contribute to the person's health outcome, including:
• promotion of independence,
• physical and psychological needs,
• individual participation,
• use of person's strengths
• meeting cultural and spiritual needs