Can any of the arguments in the Thomson or Marquis essays refute the position in the other author's essay? Do all of the following:
Summarize Thomson's main argument and one scenario other than the violinist scenario. Clarify what Thomson is trying to show with this example. You may use the textbook summaries, but you should also use quotes directly from the Thomson essay.
Summarize Marquis' main argument. This should include why Marquis thinks killing is wrong in general and how he argues from this general wrongness of killing to the wrongness of abortion.
Develop an argument for why either argument refutes the other author's position. (For example, you could argue why the "Expanding Baby" scenario in Thomson helps show that Marquis' position is incorrect.)
Take a side on the debate between Hardwing and Ackerman. Do we have a duty to die, or do we have a duty to help the ill stay alive? Do all of the following:
Summarize Hardwig's argument in the essay "Is there a duty to die?".
Summarize Ackerman's response in the essay "'Now I Have My Death': 'The Duty to Die' Versus the Duty to Help the Ill Stay Alive".
Taking both of these arguments into account and using the theories and concepts from our course, develop an argument defending one side of this debate.

a) Thomson's argument supports Marquis' position.
b) Marquis' argument refutes Thomson's position.
c) Hardwing's argument is more convincing.
d) Ackerman's response provides a stronger argument.