"Touching the religion, not only of this island, but also of all the other nations of the new world, they worshipped, and still worship, various deities, many painted, others sculptured, some formed of clay, others of wood, or gold, or silver; and in some places I have seen them of the shapes of birds, of tigers, of stags, and other sorts of animals, but I have mostly seen them made with a tail and feet, like our Satan. And although our priests and monks have endeavored, and still endeavor, to destroy these idols, yet the ministers of their faith keep a great many of them hidden in caves and underground, sacrificing to them occultly."
Which of the following statements correctly describes Benzoni's account?
A It is totally incorrect because there was no gold in the New World at all — it was all a rumor.
B It is completely correct because Native Americans were Satanists.
C It is partially correct because Benzoni accurately describes the animistic elements of indigenous religions and the syncretic results of missionary work.
D It is partially incorrect because Native Americans always completely abandoned their traditional beliefs after converting to Catholicism.