Oldhat Financial started its first day of operations with$1010million in capital. A total of$125125million in chequable deposits is received. The bank makes a$2020million commercial loan and another$6060million in mortgages with the following terms:200200standard3030-year,fixed-rate mortgages with a nominal annual rate of 5.25%, each for$300 comma 000300,000.Assume that desired reserves are88%.The bank's balance sheet is shown below:Assets Liabilities Desired reserves $1010 million Chequable deposits $125125 million Excess reserves $4545 million Bank capital $1010 million Loans $8080 million Early the next day the bank invests$2020million of its excess reserves in commercial loans. Later that day, terrible news hits the mortgage markets, and mortgage rates jump to 13%, implying a present value of Olfhat's current mortgage holdings of$149 comma 758149,758per mortgage. Bank regulators force Oldhat to sell its mortgages to recognize the fair market value.What does Oldhat's balance sheet look like?Fill in the blanks in the actual balance sheet as it would look after the sale: