Brenda, the star of "Jackson High," has many acquaintances. They include
Felicia, who is on her tennis team, and Carly, who is in her French class.
Brenda spends much of her time, however, with Maria and Carlos, who
have been her best friends since elementary school. The three are able
to share their deepest feelings. In the first episode, Maria is talking about
how upset she is about her recent breakup with Ahmed. As the three
friends sit talking during lunch in the cafeteria, Wendy and Adam enter
with their group of friends. Adam tells the three in his typically superior
way that the table they are sitting at belongs to his group, and that "not
just anyone" can sit there.
1. Which two characters have a platonic relationship? Explain what makes the
relationship platonic.
2. What type of Brenda and Carly share?
3. What kind of relationship did Maria and Ahmed have?
4. What kind of relationship does Brenda have with Maria and Carlos? Explain.
5. What are groups like Wendy's and Adam's called? What is the danger of such groups?