SHOW COMPLETE SOLUTION WITH FIGURES. 1.A vehicle, having the data as follows: Initial velocity of the vehicle = 72 kph, final velocity of the vehicle = 0 kph, coefficient of friction= =0.15, slope of the road = downgrade 2%, perception reaction time = 0.75 sec, brake efficiency = 90%. Determine: (a) Reaction Distance(b) Stopping Sight Distance(c) If the final velocity of the vehicle is 40 kph, what would be its Stopping Sight Distance2. A 27,500-lb truck with a cross-sectional area of 100 ft2 traveling at a speed of 60 mph on an upgrade of 4% on a straight pavement. Determine: (a) Air Resistance(b) Grade Resistance (c) Rolling Resistance (d) Horsepower required3.A vehicle was stopped in 1.6 seconds by fully jamming the brakes and the skid mark measured is 7.2 m. (a) Determine the coefficient of friction. (b) What is the value of deceleration