Clara Barton!-Only the men who lay wounded or dying on the battle-field knew the thrill and the
comfort that the name carried. Again and again her life was in danger-once at Antietam, when stooping
to give a drink of water to an injured boy, a bullet whizzed between them. It ended the life of the poor
lad, but only tore a hole in Clara Barton's sleeve. And so, again and again, it seemed as if a special
Providence protected her from death or injury. At Fredericksburg, when the dead, starving and wounded
lay frozen on the ground, and there was no effective organization for proper relief, with swift, silent
efficiency Clara Barton moved among them, having the snow cleared away and under the banks finding
famished, frozen figures which were once men. She rushed to have an old chimney torn down and built
fire-blocks, over which she soon had kettles full of coffee and gruel steaming.

This paragraph is an example of:

A)Paragraph of narration

B)Descriptive paragraph

C)Process paragraph

D)Comparison paragraph

The answer is :A