
Writing the Lab Report Now you will use your answers from the questions above to write your lab report. Follow the directions below. Section I: Experimental Overview Use your answers from questions 1–3 as the basis for the first section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with background information about why you conducted this experiment and how it was completed. Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences. It also provides potential answers (your hypothesis/es) relative to what you expected the experiment to demonstrate. This section should be 1–3 paragraphs in length. Section II: Data and Observations Use your answers from questions 4–5 as the basis for the second section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with the data from the experiment, in a summarized and concise way. No paragraphs are required for this section, but you do need to include the key data and observations from which you will generate your analysis and discussion. This section is objective. Section III: Analysis and Discussion Use your answers from questions 6–8 as the basis for the third section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with your interpretation of the data set. You will also give an example of any calculations or formulas you used to analyze your data. Also, you will want to include any graphs that you made and interpret them for the reader. If you did construct graphs, your Student Guide included information on which graphs to construct. Graphs should have the following: a.Appropriate titles b.Appropriate labels for each axis c.Appropriate scales for each axis d.Correct units for the data Complete a rough sketch of each graph. Explain in one or two sentences what trend the reader should observe in each of your graphs. Mention any problems, unusual or unexpected data, or other factors with the experiment here, and suggest possible causes. This section can be somewhat subjective, unlike Section II, because you are free to include your personal interpre