This week, continue working in your pairs to prepare a narrated VoiceThread presentation that summarizes and analyzes your results given in the Week 3 Integrative Exercise assignment. Only the calculations and results that add to your presentation need to be shared and you are free to determine if you would like to share all of your results, a portion of your results or even to do additional sensitivity Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis given changes to the canoe and paddles product line that you may suggest to the the Glacier Hotel. The VoiceThread is being prepared to be presented to the executive management team as they will use the results of your calculations and your recommendation in their decision as to continuing, dropping or making some sort of changes to the sales and production of the canoes and paddles. The VoiceThread should be concluded with a recommendation to the executive management team of your opinion as to how they should proceed. As this is managerial accounting, not financial accounting, there is no right or wrong answer as to what the Glacier Hotel should do with their canoe and paddles product line. Creativity is appreciated! Your final VoiceThread presentation should be approximately 5 slides.