The Time Machine: Once you've read Chapters 4-5, answer the following questions:
1. What does the Time Traveller do with his machine upon his encounter with the future people?
2. What disappoints him about the future people? Why?
3. What observations does the Time Traveller make about the natural world and the structures that still exist?
4. What observations does he make about the future people when compared to the society of his time? How have social structures like the family and sexual distinctions changed? How does he characterize this evolutionary stage of humanity?
5. What happens to the Time Machine? Why does this event unnerve the Time Traveller so much, aside from its obvious implications?
6. What do the Sphinx, the wells, and the presence of ready-made clothing & food suggest about society to the Time Traveller?
7. Following his encounter in the ruins, what haunting discovery does the Time Traveller make about humanity? What are the names he learns?