There is a platform already built at one of the trees. Using that platform as the start of the ride, the cable is attached to the starting tree 20 feet above the ground.
You ask Chantal to determine the distance the brake anchor has to be placed away from the base of the ending tree so the brake will just reach the tree.
Chantal measures 16 feet away from the base of the tree because the bungee cord is 16 feet long.
She adds 12 extra feet, to allow the bungee cord to stretch to capacity.
Chantal places the brake anchor 28 feet from the base of the ending tree.
Chantal’s anchor is not at the correct distance from the tree.
What is the flaw in Chantal’s process?
Find the distance the brake anchor should be placed away from the base of the tree so the brake will just reach the tree.
Explain to Chantal how you found the distance. Justify your reasoning mathematically.