Each tree is about 40 feet tall
The trees are about 130 feet apart.

Slope Constraint: the slope of the zip line should be 6 to 8 feet of vertical change for every 100 feet of horizontal change.

Slack Constraint: The cable must be high enough that the rider, while buckled into the harness, does not touch the ground. The harness hangs down 4 feet below the cable. An additional 3 feet must be used to allow for a rider’s legs to hang down below the harness.

Brake Constraint: A brake must be placed on the cable to ensure the rider does not hit the tree. A bungee cord connects the brake to an anchor in the ground. The length of the bungee cord is 16 feet. The bungee cord stretches to a maximum of 175% of its original length.

Chantal decides to let you choose the slope for the zip line. Choose a slope that is within the constraints. Using that slope, how much higher is the starting point of the zip line going to need to be than the ending point? Enter the difference, in feet, between the heights of the starting and ending points.