You have recently been appointed as the HR-Director at Draker-Crafts (Pty) Ltd a leading company in the furniture retail environment. One of your key performance areas is to improve employee wellbeing in the workplaces given the high amount of labour turnover the previous financial year and the high levels of absenteeism experienced.
1. Draker-Crafts (Pty) Ltd is a company that makes speciality sewing machines for both textile
companies and individual crafters and tailors. Draker-Crafts (Pty) Ltd consists of a full
management team, sales and marketing, engineering and product development, HR,
finance, and two factory facilities with skilled welders and fabricators, andunskilled factory
and maintenance workers.
2. Draker-Crafts (Pty) Ltd should be doing well in the current business environment, however
the workforce has been experiencing high levels of sick-absenteeism.
3. Currently there are twelve (2) artisans on stress-related illnesses absent from work.

1. Why would Draker-Crafts (Pty) Ltd want to implement an employee wellness program?
Critically discuss the perceived benefits of such a program (5)