Answer the following questions
8. If the energy available at the producer level is 13,000 kcal. What would be the amount of energy available at each level?
Tertiary Consumer
Secondary Consumer
Primary Consumer
Producer 13,000
If the number of producers in a food web is 50,000. How many can be expected at the other trophic levels?
Tertiary Consumer
Secondary Consumer
Primary Consumer
Producer 50,000
What happens to the numbers as you move up the pyramid? Why does this happen?
12. If the amount of energy available at the producer level is 25,000 kcal. What is the difference between the tertiary consumer and secondary consumer level?
a. 2500
b. 250
c. 25
d. 225
Name two things missing from the pyramid: (list them below):
This provides energy to every food web on Earth:
These organisms break down dead matter: