Think about what you have learned to date about epidemiology including comparing and measuring disease frequencies, data sources, study design, etc. Now think about the COVID-19 pandemic. Select a topic that you have learned about so far this semester and elaborate on how this topic relates to the COVID-19 pandemic. Note that your response for this assignment can tie into your discussion post for this week (DB07 - Discussion Board 07). You may refer to the publications below for guidance or draw on other sources. Be sure to cite any references appropriately. How epidemiology has shaped the COVID pandemic, Nature 28 January 2021. Looking beyond covid-19 phase 3 vaccine trials, Nature 19 January 2021. Covid-19 Results Briefing, IHME, March 6, 2021. Essay length should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced; 1-2 pages single-spaced.