Select the sentence free of errors in AP style for addresses, abbreviations, capitalization, numerals, punctuation, and spelling in print copy.
a) Two teenagers saw the eight-year-old boy in a car and said the driver was Caucasian, about 30, 6 ft. tall and 180 lbs.
b) Two teen-agers saw the eight year old boy in a car and said the driver was caucasian, about 30 years, 6 feet tall and 180 lbs.
c) Two teen-agers saw the 8 year old boy in a car and said the driver was Caucasian, about 30 years, 6 feet tall and 180 pounds.
d) Two teenagers saw the 8-year-old boy in a car and said the driver was Caucasian, about 30, 6 feet tall and 180 pounds.