QUESTION 1 Indicate if the statement is ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write only ‘T’ or ‘F’ [10] a. For to the Christian national paradigm, equal opportunities and democracy also meant the right to education through the medium of the mother tongue. b. The intrinsic (fundamental) or primary objective of the study of past education is reconstruction and interpretation. c. Indigenous people understood education as the process by which one generation transmitted its culture to the succeeding generations. d. Intergroup relation between the San and the Khoi before the European settlers was not a dynamic process of interaction. e. During the precolonial era, the three indigenous groups had a unified form of education. f. The San lived in communities under the leadership of chiefs. g. Informal education is defined as the institutionalised chronologically graded and hierarchically structured educational system. h. The church played a minimal role in shaping education in the Cape. i. Education was pre-requisite for attaining church membership. j. Rock art during the pre-colonial period was not embedded in the social, economic, and intellectual circumstances of the community. QUESTION 2 2.1 Name the three roles of history of education as a discipline. [3] 2.2 Name and discuss the three main paradigms in the history of South African education. [15] 2.3 After 1994 proponents of this paradigm have split into two camps. Describe the two camps. [2] 2.4 Outline the beliefs of the camp that reject the new education system post 1994. [4] QUESTION 3 3.1. Critically discuss the source materials for the indigenous people education of