Many times when we are coding, we need to store multiple items of data in a list.

For example we can a a list called fruitlist and in that list we want to store the items apple, banana and pear.

To create that list you would create the name of the list, fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "pear"]

to print that list you would use print(fruitlist) and your output would be the items stored in the list.

Lists in Python can be:

ordered (means that the items have a defined order and that order does not change)

changeable (means that we can change, add and remove items in a list after it has been created)

We can also code to count the number of items in a list. To do that we use the len() function.

For example: fruitlist = ["apple", "banana", "pear"]


You will go into Python IDLE and code the following assignment:

Go to the McDonal'ds website and go to burgers.

Now you will code to create a list called burgers and in the items in your list will include the names of the burgers you found. Print that list.

Next print using the len function the number of items in your list.

Run the code.

Take a snip of your code and output. (15 points for the code)

You should have comment lines for your name, class period and assignment name (5 points)

Open a word document, paste your code into the document, save as a pdf and submit.