First Resource is offering a 5% discount off registration fees for all EventTypes except for Survey/Study.

In cell K11 enter a formula that will return 0.05 if the event is NOT a Survey/Study, otherwise return a blank value ("").

Use a VLOOKUP function to return the EventType from the EventDetails named range.

Use a NOT function so that any event type other than Survey/Study will return TRUE.

Use an IF function to return 0.05 for the value_if_true and "" for the value_if_false.

Incorporate an IFERROR function to return a blank value if the VLOOKUP function returns an error.

Format the result as Percentage with 0 decimal places and copy the formula down through K34.

help First Resource is offering a 5 discount off registration fees for all EventTypes except for SurveyStudy In cell K11 enter a formula that will return 005 if class=