In this activity, you have a chance to share your thoughts and ideas about the topics covered in the lesson. Read the discussion prompt and provide a thoughtful response. Then provide a thoughtful and respectful response to one or more of your classmates’ posts.

Remember that this is an academic discussion board. Stay on topic and use correct spelling and grammar. Also remember that everyone in this class can read what you post. Keep your responses original and polite. Your teacher may ask you to participate in a synchronous session at this point.

If you are not sure how many posts are required, ask your teacher.

Click the link to read the rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that will be used to evaluate your Discussion Board posts. It will be used for your post and your responses to your classmates' posts.


Let’s take the big picture of a topic and narrow it down to one word. Choose one prompt below for your focus. In a short paragraph, share the word you chose and answer the following questions:

Why did you choose that word?
How does it cover the big ideas?
Use specific details from the readings from this class or your own experiences and knowledge to support your choice of your word.

Prompt 1:

In this lesson, you read an excerpt from The Panchatantra, a collection of fables from India. In Book V, “Ill-Considered Action,” you read about four impoverished Brahmans who go on a journey through the Himalayas to gain wealth by means of magic. As they journey, you learn about each of them through their actions. The first three Brahmans settle on the wealth they find on the way. The fourth Brahman, however, decides to continue on. He hopes to attain even greater wealth than the others, but he meets an unfortunate fate.

Choose one adjective to describe the fourth Brahman. Then explain your word choice.

Prompt 2:

In this lesson, you read an excerpt from The Panchatantra, a collection of fables from India. In the section titled “The Lion-Makers,” you read about four Brahmans who were friends. Three of them were true scholars but lacked sense. The fourth one was a man of sense but lacked scholarship. The topic for this Word Journal is common sense.

In the context of “The Lion-Makers,” choose one adjective to describe the topic. Then explain your word choice.