2. Suppose the following information reflects the closed economy of Neverland in Madrid, Spain. The Consumption Function is such that C=300+.75(DI), Investment is fixed at $450, and the Government has a balanced budget, where both purchases and taxes equal $1,000. These equations describe the economy: DI=Y-T [Disposable income is total income less taxes.] C= 300 + .75(DI) [Consumption is determined by disposable income.] E=C+I+G+NX [Aggregate demand is the total of consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports.] E=Y* [In equilibrium, total spending matches total income or total output] (a) Describe the steps you would take to calculate the equilibrium level of GDP for this economy (Y*)…(20 pts) (b) Suppose the government chooses to increase its Purchases by $500. Describe the steps you would take to determine the new equilibrium level of output…. (20 pts) (c) Assume the Potential level of output is $5,000, according to the Keynesian philosophy what actions should the government take? Describe how you arrived at your conclusions--- (20 pts).