8. Approximately how far do you think the arrow's image is from the mirror?
Path of
Light Fa
In this diagram, a person observes the image of the top of a flagpole, using a mirror. The Law of Reflection
guarantees that the two triangles formed are similar.
In the diagram below, "h" is the height of the person's eyes above the surface of the water, and "d" is the
horizontal distance from the person to the center of the bowl. "H" represents the height of the flagpole, and
"D" is the horizontal distance from the flagpole to the bowl of water. The 3 distances h, d, and D are easy
to measure.
From similar trangles:
Pick a tall object and measure the three quantities discussed above. Repeat the procedure for the same
object three times. You can do this by simply moving back or towards the object AND USE A
DIFFERENT PERSON'S POINT OF VIEW, each time. When you finish your calculations, you can
compare your value for the height with the value obtained by the other lab groups in the class.
Determine the height of the object for each trial. Show your work for one trial
Calculate your average height for the three trials: Average height,
Obtain a value for the object from 2 other lab groups and calculate a % difference.

SECOND PART TOO IT PLEASE I BEG 8 Approximately how far do you think the arrows image is from the mirror Path of Light Fa In this diagram a person observes the class=