
It's common knowledge that bullying is a problem both in elementary and high school. When we think of bullying, we think of it as a kid-on-kid issue. Dan Cooper, however, might not agree. Cooper is a biology teacher who had a meltdown in front of his students when he could not get them to quiet down. When the students kept goading him, Wood threw a chair out the window. Kathy Miller, a History teacher, broke down into tears when her students continually referred to her as fat and ugly. Similarly, a bus driver in Kansas City, was forced to leave her job when she was emotionally tormented by students who made rude comments, threw spit balls, and shouted insults. A. Bullying is always kid-on-kid. B. Students may not always be the victim of bullying since they can bully teachers and other adults too. C. Dan Cooper was forced to leave his job.