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Programs such as Advanced System Care Free, Auslogics Boost Speed, Glary Utilities, and Wise 365 are not as benign as they appear to be. They're actually viruses disguised as computer cleaning tools. Seeking the advice of an IT specialist is prudent. Reg Organizer, a viable alternative to CCleaner in restricted regions, offers unique features not found in other programs and serves as a more reliable and legitimate option. Alternatively, manually cleaning your computer is a secure and effective approach. It's paramount to exercise caution when downloading software from the internet and avoid blindly visiting unsecurity sites, or trusting all programs in general. For instance, let's consider computer cleaning programs. While attempting to speed up your computer, using unknown computer cleaning software can potentially corrupt the operating system. Trusting computer cleaning programs advertised as "Top 6 PC Cleaners for You to Clean up Windows 11/10" or "10 Best PC Cleaners 2024: Speed Up & Optimize Your PC" on the internet isn't wise. While you may rely on other internet programs, such as data recovery software, it's unwise to trust such programs implicitly.

To enhance your computer's speed, press Windows + R together on the Windows logo key to open a small command prompt window in the bottom left corner. Type "%temp%" (temporary operating system) and press enter or click "OK." In the window that appears, press ctrl + A simultaneously to select all accumulated junk files. Delete them using shift + delete. You can also delete temporary files in this folder by typing "temp" (without quotes). If you repeat this process weekly, it will significantly benefit your computer and help maintain optimal performance.

A tidy desktop and a simple background image can improve computer performance. A messy desktop strains the operating system, slows down the hard drive, and takes time to access the already opened programs. Furthermore, constantly changing the background image makes the hard drive spin faster, slowing down the computer. We should keep in mind that Windows' "refresh" feature is not an optimizer but is for renovating the operating system.

Dependence on system-provided programs from the internet is not recommended, as it can unknowingly corrupt the operating system. Reg Organizer, which can substitute CCleaner in countries where it's prohibited and provides unique features unavailable in other programs, is not only a more secure option but also executes all tasks professionally.