The following question is based on the accompanying Documents 1-7. The documents have
been edited for the purpose of this exercise. Read the following directions to complete your
Write your essay in the pages provided at the end. In order to write, create a text
box and begin writing.
In a four-paragraph essay, answer the following question:
Background Essay Atomic Bomb Background Essay
Using of the documents provided, analyze the documents provided and answer the
following question: Was the use of the Atomic Bomb on Japan a necessary or
unnecessary decision?
(Read this summary for historical context)
Contextualization (20 points): Describe the broader historical context in the time
period before the prompt in 2-3 complete sentences.
Thesis (20 points): Fully responds to the prompt with a defensible thesis with 2
Analysis/Use of documents as evidence (20 points): Used 4 or more documents
correctly as evidence.
Concluding argument (20 points); Choose a side of the issue to support and
provided a full explanation.
Grammar, Spelling, and Organization (10 points); No or minimal grammar,
spelling or organizational errors made in the DBQ.
Citations (10 points); Correct citations for all 4 documents used in the DBQ.
Total: 100 points
DBQ Writing Guide
DBO Rubric