Date Transaction
20/11/2021 Scott James transferred $40,000.00 for the sales deposit for the
purchase of Michelle Hilder’s Epping property.
Receipt #: 357
10/01/2022 Freddy Fire paid $860.00 cash, being one month’s rent (February
Landlord: Omar Downer Property: 60 Tunnel St, Humeville
Receipt #: 433
13/01/2022 Alan Almer paid a cheque for $1000.00 for advertising on his property
at 5a Miller Ave, Millerville which is going to auction.
Receipt #: 434
Eva Clover paid $350 rent by cheque, February rent:
Landlord: Neddy Nestegg Property: 1 Summers Drive, Amberville
Receipt #: 435
15/01/2022 Entry Realty paid $800.00 advertising to Weekly Press from Alan Almer
for auction Cheque #: 90078
20/01/2022 Scott James has settled on his purchase of 2 Tuggerah Close, Epping.
Entry Realty paid a cheque $25,000.00 to Michelle Hilder (Vendor)
balance of deposit, less our commission - Cheque #: 90079
Entry Realty paid office commission of $15,000.00 (Sale of 2 Tuggerah
Close, Epping) Cheque #: 90080
28/01/2022 Helena Fort paid $800.00 direct deposit into the trust account, for
one month rent (March 2022). – Receipt #: 436
Landlord: Jordy Jetson Property: 12 Sapphire Street, Beaufort
29/01/2022 Paul Stone paid $600.00 cash, for 2 weeks rent (08/02/2022-
22/02/2022). – Receipt #: 437
Landlord: Omar Downer Property: 2 Watchtower Way, Torquay
Alex Davis paid $15,000.00 (5% sales deposit cheque) for 10 Riverside
Road, Riversdale. Vendor: Luis Esra - Receipt #: 438