For each scenario listed below, an inspector at the TechKnow company has a question that can be answered with a probability distribution. Select which distribution it is most likely to be. The options are: Normal, Lognormal, Weibull, Gamma, Beta, Exponential. Please also explain why.
1. An inspector knows that if he can find more than 10 defective microchips at the TechKnow company, then he can shut them down. He is wondering how long it will take for him to find 10 defective chips.
2. When a computer is loaded for the first time, it has to load several components at the same time (thanks to multiple processors). The inspector waits until every component has finished loading. He wonders how long it will take for the next computer to load.
3. The employee roster at TechKnow has been experiencing the same slow increase as the rest of the company. The inspector wonders how many other companies have as many employees as TechKnow.
4. The electrical voltage through a microchip is supposed to be exactly 0.11 volts. If it is over 0.114, the chip will fry. The inspector wonders how likely the next chip is to get fried by overvoltage.