In Florida, some of the coast is covered with swamps filled with a thick tangle of mangrove trees. These swamps are difficult to walk through and can be a bit smelly. They often hide the view of the ocean. Land First, a development group, wants to cut down many of these mangrove forests and make new beaches. They feel the current beaches are too overcrowded, and with more people wanting to vacation, more beaches are needed. Mangrove swamps provide ecosystem services. Many species of plants and animals depend on the swamps for a place to live. Many small ocean creatures that are a source of food for ocean fish spend time in the swamp habitat. Fishermen depend on these fish to make a living. Finally, the mangrove trees help protect the land from effects of violent storms, helping break up the wind gusts. Answer one of the following prompts to begin your discussion: You disagree with the plan from Land First. How would you persuade others to have the same opinion as you? You agree with the plan from Land First. How would you persuade others to have the same opinion as you? You don’t fully agree with the plan from Land First, but you don’t fully disagree either. How would you show others that there are pros and cons to their plan?