B. C. D. 3. 2. How does the author develop the narrator's point of view in the story A. By using comparisons, the author shows that the narrator the best form of literature. B. C. D. School should always be the People should not rely on how they look to determine their The moments in life when we feel the most confident are w remembering. Which statement best explains the metaphor quoted from paragrap "Thomas Baker stepped on your foot with his dirty boots and turned yo construction site." ABCD By referring to the main character as "you," the author she narrator knows and understands the main character well. By giving examples of the main character's dislike for scho shows that the narrator believes education is unimportan By referring to Big Foot Baker by a nickname, the author si narrator does not care to remember this painful period in A. The boy's shoe is very dirty because Thomas Baker stepp B. Thomas Baker is a bully who steps on people's shoes for C. The boy's shoes are dirty from playing around at the cor Thomas Baker works at a construction site so his boots D.