

How did the Super Bowl halftime show celebrate hip-hop? Write an informational/ explanatory essay that answers the question. Be sure to use information from at least TWO different texts in your informational/explanatory essay.

• Introduce the topic clearly, provide a focus, and organize information in a way that makes sense.
• Use information from the two passages so that your essay includes important details.
• Develop the topic with facts, definitions, details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.
• Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from the passages.
• Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the passages.
• Use appropriate and varied transitions to connect ideas and to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
• Use clear language and vocabulary.
• Establish and maintain a formal style.
• Provide a conclusion that supports the information presented.
• Check your work for correct usage, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.