Identify the passage given
"A mous that moche good couthe, as me [tho] thoughte,
Stroke forth sternly and stode biforn hem alle,
And to the route of ratones reherced these wordes:
"Though we culled the catte, yut sholde ther come another
To cracchy us and al owre kynde though we croupe under benches.
Forthi I conseille alle the comune to lat the catte worthe,
And be we never so bolde the belle hym to shewe.
[The while he caccheth connynges he coveiteth nought owre
But fette hym al with venysoun - defame we hym nevere.
For better is a litel losse than a long sorwe:
That mase amonge us alle though we mysse a schrewe]."