Think of, or be able to recognize, an example of each of the types of "factors affecting voluntariness" listed above in #115-136. For example, if on the test I tell you a story about someone who is tied to a chair and drugged up with "truth serum" against his will, so as to force him to tell spies about national secrets, recognize that this is an example of physical force, and that we cannot say the victim "voluntarily divulged state secrets." The best way to prepare for this type of question is to think of your own examples and to consider the ones from class for each type of factor affecting voluntariness.
Which of the following is an example of physical force affecting voluntariness?
a) A person freely choosing to disclose personal information to a trusted friend.
b) Someone being coerced into signing a contract at gunpoint.
c) A student willingly staying late to study for an exam.
d) A volunteer donating time at a local charity organization.