DESIGN A WEB PAGE IMAGINING YOUR OWN ISLAND Imagine that you, and several other people, have been shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island with abundant sources of food such as fruit trees, fish, and land for agriculture. The time has come for leaders to emerge who will organize how the work and responsibilities are divided. It is up to you to develop this new society. Create an Adobe Creative Cloud Express presentation that outlines the new political, social, and economic goals of your island. Because Adobe Creative Cloud Express is fun and user-friendly, this tool will help you create rich multimedia presentations to share messages and powerful stories in a web page designed for your intended audiences. Supporting tools and resources ● Student Sample ● Rubric ● Learn about Adobe Creative Cloud Express ● Learn about Adobe Acrobat ● Guidance for using Adobe Creative Cloud Express Student steps 1 (30 min) Brainstorm two lists of responses to the prompts below as a class: ● List 1: Identify/Brainstorm a list of various positions that call for leadership. (ex: coach, government official, etc) ● List 2: What skills, traits, or powers do you think help a leader to get ahead or get things done. After creating each list, discuss the following: ● Do the skills, traits, or powers on the second list match with what you might expect of those who you listed on the first list? Explain. ● What traits or characteristics do you think are most important for leaders to possess? 2 (90 min) You are stranded on a desert island with a group of people as a result of a shipwreck. The time has come for leadership to organize effective systems and structures to make your new society run smoothly. Work in small groups to brainstorm what an ideal society might look like based on your understanding of leadership, human nature, and the purpose of government. Create an Adobe Creative Cloud Express presentation that outlines the new political, social, and economic goals of your island. Use the questions provided below to guide your discussion