In a study, psychologists used a photograph of a young male lion and a lioness quarreling over food. The lioness, in the original picture, is the aggressor as she is attempting to take the toy from the male lion who is actively resisting. Participants in the study are then shown other pictures of lions walking, talking, fighting, enjoying scenery, and lounging.
When subjects are told to recall the original image of the male lion and girl fighting over the food, most subjects incorrectly remember the male lion as the aggressor and the
lioness as the one actively resisting. After being shown the original photo, many subjects accused the experimenters of swapping the photo, stating they were certain the young male lion was the aggressor."
Explain how the following psychological concepts may have altered the memory or perception of the subjects:
Iconic Memory
Retroactive Interference
Representative Heuristics
Availability Heuristics
Misinformation effect
Conformation bias
Belief perseverance