Project Overview
I hope you're hungry, because we're going to talk about food. For this assignment, you'll select one commodity product
and find at least twenty processed food products that can be made from the commodity. For instance, in the lesson, we
talked about making corn tortillas from corn. You may wish to use the Internet or take along a notepad and go to the
grocery store to find products that contain your commodity. This assignment has two final project pieces to it a
presentation that shows a picture-based summary of the food products that were created from the commodity, and an
essay about your experience researching the products.
To complete this project, you'll need to make a presentation that shows your findings and includes photographs of the final
products that were made from the single commodity. You'll also need to write an essay of at least 500 words that
summarizes your experiences finding the products made from the commodity, and any surprises that you encountered
along the way. Your response must include:
Include a photograph of the commodity that you selected on Powerpoint presentation.
• Include photographs of at least twentyprocessed products that can be made from the commodity in a Powerpoint
• Include a two-page essay about your findings and any surprises that you encountered along the way.
Submission Requirements
For all assignments remember to
Proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation, where applicable
Use complete sentences and standard written English. Do not use text message abbreviations or other
• Source all references, where applicable.