Teacher Jabu has always dreamed of being a Grade R teacher and giving back to the community he lives in. His family members always questioned him and stated that teaching young children is a job for a woman. He studied hard despite what everyone said and in 2015 got his first teaching job as a Grade R teacher. He believed that the choices he made to become a Grade R teacher came with a lot of responsibilities. Teacher Jabu believes that teaching is an important job and it benefits the children in the community. He noticed one day on his way back from work that the local charity that supplies food for needy children was not open. Upon further investigation, he discovered that they did not have enough funding to provide meals for the children every day. So he decided to sell some of his possessions and give the money to charity. Teacher Jabu was very happy being a teacher and his career was important to him. 2.2 2.3 2.4 Marxism considers the struggle between the haves and the have-nots in society. This type of social justice can only be achieved in a society that is communist. What does it mean to be in a communist society? Provide two (2) explanations. (4) Evaluate why South Africa is not considered a communist country. Provide four (4) reasons that support why South Africa is not a communist country. (8) Define, in your own words, the following theories of social justice. (4) 2.4.1 Rawl's theory 2.4.2 Libertarianism​