
The moral case for why businesses should act in a socially responsible manner
a. is based on the principle that a business lacks moral legitimacy unless it allocates a meaningful fraction of its resources to improving the economic and social well-being of the communities in which it operates.
b. is based on the widely-accepted moral principle that every business is obligated to spend a meaningful fraction (roughly 5%) of its pretax profits on promoting the general well-being of society and improving living conditions for the disadvantaged.
c. is based on the principle that all businesses have an implied contract with society to exert significant and sincere efforts to give something back to the community.
d. boils down to "it's the right thing to do"--ordinary decency, civic-mindedness, and concern for the well-being of society should be expected of any business.
e. rests on the belief that improving the well-being of society ranks higher in priority and is certainly more noble than making a profit and serving the interests of shareholders.