In the Income section shown below from the 1040EZ form, a married couple
filing their federal income tax return jointly entered $0 on line 6 for their
taxable income. Assuming that nobody can claim the taxpayer or his spouse
as a dependent, which of these dollar amounts could have been on line 4 for
adjusted gross income?
Formes W-2
Wagn, sabates, and tips. This should be shown in box 1 of your Fort W.2
Anach your Form Wa
Table If de
Unemployment compen
Fund dede page 11).
At bws 1.2 and 3. This is your adjented grass
claim you for your spouse a pu as a dependent, check
applicate benis) below and emer the amount from the workshoot on back
$1,500, you can use Form 1040EZ
of $2.400 per recipient and Alaska Permanent
can you for your spesif jun), 59,350 gle
$18.700f married ing jointly See back for explanation
Subtrace&from line 4. It line 5 s leger than line 4er-
taxable inco
O A. $20,600
B. $18,800
C. $19,700
D. $17,900