answers to the questions above, our in class discussion, and the resources available throughout the website, answer the following question in two to three complete paragraphs. did they have in American politics? Why did the Know-Nothings emerge when they did in U.S. history, and what influence The know- Nothings emerged at the time they did because at that time there was a lot of immigrants entering the country and they were concerned that the immigrants were going to affect the country in a grants were bad people and that they voted away, They way. The now-nothings thought that the immi- going talke over the U-S and steal all bad wwere Fo thought the immigrants were goin trying to change peoples to influence exsuty one badly by giving regions. The know nothings were against catism and they did not want that relgion in there country- The Unow! nothings had a bunch of bad thoughts about immigrants and they wanted them gate