Read the paragraph and respond to the question.
Martin and Mary are newlyweds who have just moved into their new apartment in the city. They are
very health conscious and want to live in the healthiest environment possible. They are also expecting
their first child in five months. Recently, however, four new tenants have moved in next door, and two
of them smoke. They're always out in the hallway smoking because their roommates won't allow them
to smoke inside. Martin and Mary have to walk through the hallway every time they go anywhere, and
they are bothered by the smoke. Even Mary's co-workers have commented that she smells a little smoky
sometimes when she gets to work. Martin and Mary are concerned about the smoke in the hallway;
they also worry that smoke from other units might be making its way through the vents in the buildings.
As a result, they have decided to write a letter to the building manager advocating for a no-smoking
policy. They have asked you to write a letter as well.
Using a separate sheet of paper, write a letter to the building manager that advocates for a no-smoking
policy. Support your argument with facts from the chapter.