Whenever the legislators [lawmakers] try to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are then no longer required to give their obedience. . . . when legislators try to take for themselves, or put into the hands of others, absolute power over the lives, liberties, and property of the people, by this breaking of trust they forfeit the power which the people had put into their hands. Those two treatises of government, john locke, 1690 according to the passage, lawmakers who give absolute power to one leader or office have abused the power given to them by the people. protected the people's lives, liberties, and property. taken away and destroyed the people's property. reduced the risk of a state of war with the people.
According to the passage, lawmakers who give absolute power to one leader or office have:
a) Abused the power given to them by the people.
b) Protected the people's lives, liberties, and property.
c) Taken away and destroyed the people's property.
d) Reduced the risk of a state of war with the people.