The scatter plot shows the time a swimmer spends practicing and number of meets won. A scatter plot titled Swim Meets has x-axis labeled Practice (in hours) and y-axis labeled Meets Won and contains ordered pairs 1,3 and 2,5 and 3,4 and 3,7 and 4,6 and 5,4 and 5,5 and 6,7 and 7,5 and 8,8 and 9,6 and 10,8. A line of fit is drawn through ordered pairs 1,4 and 4,5. Use the line of fit, ลท = 0.335x + 3.655, to predict how many meets are won if the swimmer practices for 21 hours next week. Explain whether this is a valid prediction. 51.78 meets; this is not a valid prediction because the extrapolated value is not reasonable 10.69 meets; this is valid because it is a reasonable prediction 10.69 meets; this is not a valid prediction because the extrapolated value is not reasonable 51.78 meets; this is valid because it is a reasonable prediction