PHOTOSYNTHESIS. 600 Photosynthesis Sthe... Sunlight Carbon dioxide Water 1. Sunlight is a good source of. 2. Trees and plants make their food from WORD BANK VITAMIN D - PHOTO OXYGEN SUGAR Glucose ROOTS- FOOD (sugar) + THE CHLOROPLASTS Photosynthesis Oxygen Food Photosynthesis CARBON DIOXIDE SUNLIGHT-WATER SYNTHESIS PHOTOSYNTHESIS 3. Photo Synthesis's simple! is a Greek word for 'light' and is a Greek word for 'putting together'. is using light to 'put things together'. Plants use this process to make their food with the help of SUNLIGHT, L and_ Carbon cleride enters, whe water and CO (Light) (Putting together) Photo + Synthesis Photosynthesis 4. Plants have tiny openings called the STOMATA present in their leaves through which they take in and give out. They also use WATER and other nutrients to make FOOD which is absorbed by their Water absorbed by roots Water travels through plant 5. The LEAVES contain tiny pigments called These pigments take in CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER and and turn them into SUGAR and. The SUGAR is then used by the plants as their. and the is given out into the atmosphere. This process as a whole is called T LIVEWORKSHEETS WATER LIGHT CHEMICAL ENERGY CHEMICAL ENERGY CARBON DIOXIDE-SUGAR María Liste ​