Step 1:
Find five architectural/monumental masterpieces which you believe are magnificent structures.
Create five passport entries describing (4–5 sentences) each of your "wonders of the ancient and modern world." Include a picture of each "wonder." Utilize the sample passport provided to help you create your own passport. Of these five wonders:
Three entries must be from "ancient" times, which is before the Fall of Rome (476 CE).
Two entries can be from any point in history.
Be sure to include the approximate date built in your research findings.
Don't forget to cite the academic sources for your images and research!
Nota Bene: You can use the three wonders from the sample passport as an example, but your submitted work must contain research on different monuments of your choosing. Need more inspiration for the ancient marvels? Check out these ancient civilizations to help you research amazing ancient marvels created by them.
Egyptian Empire
Nubian Civilization
The Land of Punt
Kush Kingdom
Carthaginian Civilization
The Mali Empire
The Ghana Empire
The Songhai Empire
The Great Zimbabwe Empire
Ancient Britain
Ancient Greek Empire
Roman Empire
Minoan Civilization
Mycenean Civilization
Gallic Civilization
Etruscan Civilization
Middle East
Assyrian Empire
Seleucid Empire
Akkadian Empire
Babylonian Empire
Phoenician Civilization
Aramaean Confederation
Hittite Civilization
Trojan Civilization
Ancient India
Ancient China
Persian Empire
Ancient Japan
Indus Valley Civilization
Parthian Empire
Caral Civilization
Mayan Civilization
Olmec Civilization
Toltec Civilization
Chavin Civilization
Mochica Civilization
Ancient or Modern? (Include approximate date built)





Step 2:
Choose one "wonder" and write three sentences in Latin describing the wonder as though it were part of a tour. For instance, you can write about things you can see or do at this location or about the history of the monument.
One sentence must contain a 3rd Declension adverb.
One sentence must contain a 3rd Declension adjective in a noun-adjective pair.
One sentence must contain a Future tense verb.