What is the final result of the expression 7 / 2 + 6?
5. 0
6. 9.5
7. 9
8. 0.875
3. Choose the print statement below that will cause an error. Assume that num has the value 6, and name has the
value Isabella.
a. print(name + ":" )
b. print(num)
c. print(name + " wants " + "num " + "candies")
d. print(name + ": " + str(num))
e. print(name + ": " + num)
4. Suppose you have a variable defined a = "4". What is the variable type of a?
a. str
b. int
c. float
d. number
5. Choose the option that correctly prints out the variable(s).
a. x = "codehs"
b. print(int(x))
c. num = 8
d. print("num")
e. name = "Alyx"
f. age = 32
g. print(name + "is " + age)
h. language = "Python"
i. print("I'm learning " + language)
6. What kind of data does a float variable contain?
j. Whole numbers
k. Words
l. Numbers that can have decimal components
m. A float is not a Python variable type